Olivia wished she could get some rest. Middle school was harder than she’d expected. Her projects and papers took forever. Add to that practicing her flute, going to gymnastics lessons and piano lessons, baby-sitting on weekends to make extra money, and youth group—and she felt like she was going to lose it. The commandment to rest one day each week was given for our good. God knew if we didn’t get away from our duties to rest, we would simply come apart at the seams. If your mind is focused 24/7 on your schoolwork and activities, it leaves little time to focus on God and his Word. Cut back on activities until you have time to rest one day each week.
Jesus was also concerned about the apostles getting too tired. Once they were so busy that they weren’t taking time to rest. “Because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’” (Mark 6: 31 TNIV) Someone once joked, “Seven days without rest makes one weak.” However, it’s true. You can’t be strong and exhausted at the same time. So follow God’s plan, and rest one day a week. If you do, you’ll enjoy the other six much more!
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